1 Year Blogging Anniversary – The Things I’ve learned

One year ago I created WHISPER – travel & lifestyle blog. It looked very different at the beginning. Over time it has evolved to encompass other social media platforms and also this website. It has grown and changed over time, just as I have.

Through watching every possible youtube video I could find about starting a blog, asking a ton of questions from my blogging friends, taking lots of photos, and writing what I was passionate about, I started getting excited about this whole blogging world last year! 

I want to take a minute and write down the things I’ve learned since becoming a blogger. It’s good to remember where you’ve come from, what you’ve learned, and have an excitement for the future.

  1. Blogging takes so much time. I’ve really had to balance time with the job that pays the bills, family, and blogging. 
  2. Do what you love and makes you happy, time fly by and so does life. 
  3. It’s been so good for my emotional health having this creative outlet. In the midst of a crazy day, blogging brings me some excitement and wonderful people to make the hard days a little better. 
  4. Blogging brought me a friendship with people I’ve never met that bloomed over Instagram. While Instagram can be annoying, filled with negativity, it can also truthfully be wonderful. I have a love-hate relationship with it.
  5. To care less about what people think of me and my family. Everyone has their opinions and a lot of people voice them. Who cares?! Worry about your own family and life.
  6. You need to charge for your time, just like any job. I did stuff for free and in all honesty I’m still learning to charge. I don’t know why it’s so dang hard for me, but I have to remember #1.
  7.  Remember that you are unique, you have a story to tell, and there isn’t any other blogger out there exactly like you. People can like that or not. Go back to #5.
  8. To never compare. There will always be someone with more followers, more collabs, charging more, getting more likes, looking more fashionable, and so on and so forth. Be done and focus on your blog, your IG, your family.
  9. I love taking photos, and in the last period, I’ve learned more about the editing photos which is almost the same important.
  10. Lastly, appreciate your followers and readers. They have lives and often busy ones. And you know what? There are so many bloggers and these readers of yours chose to follow YOU and read YOUR blog. So be thankful, even if it’s only a couple hundred views or a few thousand IG followers.

This has been a great outlet and I’m so thankful to all my readers, followers, and friends who actually care about my little space here on the internet. As always, thank you so much for reading. You have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of you!   I’m always open to change. If you want to see something different on this blog, let me know!!!

17 thoughts on “1 Year Blogging Anniversary – The Things I’ve learned

  1. Hello, congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary! I enjoyed reading your post and I’m about to look through your blog. Keep up the great work, blogging is a beautiful thing and the best creative outlet ❤️☺️

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