National Park Pelister – Infinite beauty you have to experience for yourself

National Park Pelister – Infinite beauty you have to experience for yourself

If you like mountains you are on the right place to learn more about one of my favorites - Baba Mauntain or the National Park Pelister. I will start my story with two legends. As you probably know, I love telling legends. So, here we go! There used to be two sisters who fell in [...]

Caves you shouldn’t miss visiting

Caves you shouldn’t miss visiting

It's amazing how the country you live in can always surprise you with something new, point you to a hidden gem waiting for you to discover it. During our visit to the Monastery Lesnovo, located on the south-west slopes of Mountain Osogovo, in the middle of a volcanic crater, we visited another special place by [...]

The Stone Wedding – masterpiece of the nature

The Stone Wedding – masterpiece of the nature

Have you ever been someplace where you feel special energy just by entering? Like there is something that is pulling you in? It was so exciting for me to finally visit this unique place and I have to say it was more than I expected. While being there I heard different legends of how it [...]

15 Instagram Most Popular Spots in Ohrid

15 Instagram Most Popular Spots in Ohrid

Instagram is becoming more and more popular each day and it's a perfect visual way to find and see photos and information about the touristic places by using only one # tag. You all know my love for my home town Ohrid and how often I post about it on my blog here, as well [...]

Резбарство Дел 3 – Трон на резбарството во Охрид

Резбарство Дел 3 – Трон на резбарството во Охрид

„Традицијата живее затоа што младите луѓе ја доживуваат нејзината романса и додаваат сјај на истата“-Michael Novak Има денови кога забораваме колку е важна традицијата. Таа претставува моќна сила создадена во минатото која нè потсетува колку е важно наследството, додека сите гледаме кон иднината. На тој начин правиме баланс помеѓу минатото и иднината, баланс помеѓу старите [...]

Wood-carving Part 3 – Tradition in Ohrid

Wood-carving Part 3 – Tradition in Ohrid

"Tradition lives because young people come along who catch its romance and add new glories to it."     - Michael Novak There are days when we forget how important keeping the tradition is. It's a very powerful force created in the past to remind everyone today how heritage is important while looking to the future. [...]

The amazing views from the mountain pеаk Magaro

The amazing views from the mountain pеаk Magaro

There is something amazing about climbing on high buildings, mountains or maybe flying. Watching the world from above, from a bigger distance gives you different view not only to the landscape but also to life. It makes you realize how small we are, just a dot on the planet and there is so much waiting [...]

Autumn in Ohrid / Есен во Охрид

Autumn in Ohrid / Есен во Охрид

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ― Albert Camus “Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they're falling like they're falling in love with the ground.” ― Andrea Gibson “Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile." ― John Howard Bryant “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them [...]

The Marble Lake

The Marble Lake

Human has always been trying to change nature and use it for his own "good". This is one of the examples where nature won over the human. Prilep's marble has been exploited from its surrounding mountains for centuries and is known as one of the most quality marbles on the Planet. Even ancient cities like [...]

The palace in the small town

The palace in the small town

There is a small town called Resen, located in the southwestern part of Macedonia near Prespa Lake in the Prespa region. Prespa region is known as an agricultural region producing apples. It's one of those places in the country that are off the tourist radar, however, there is one intriguing building that attracts the tourists. [...]