15 Instagram Most Popular Spots in Ohrid

15 Instagram Most Popular Spots in Ohrid

Instagram is becoming more and more popular each day and it's a perfect visual way to find and see photos and information about the touristic places by using only one # tag. You all know my love for my home town Ohrid and how often I post about it on my blog here, as well [...]

Wood-carving Part 3 – Tradition in Ohrid

Wood-carving Part 3 – Tradition in Ohrid

"Tradition lives because young people come along who catch its romance and add new glories to it."     - Michael Novak There are days when we forget how important keeping the tradition is. It's a very powerful force created in the past to remind everyone today how heritage is important while looking to the future. [...]

Autumn in Ohrid / Есен во Охрид

Autumn in Ohrid / Есен во Охрид

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ― Albert Camus “Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they're falling like they're falling in love with the ground.” ― Andrea Gibson “Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile." ― John Howard Bryant “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them [...]

Around the oldest lake in Europe

Around the oldest lake in Europe

It's been a busy period and took a month since my last post. However, while I was guiding I took the chance to make more photos of the different places I visited with the tourists. Let me take you around the Ohrid Lake, oldest lake in Europe and the 3rd oldest lake in the world, [...]

Steve’s Coffee House – врвен квалитет во Охрид

Steve’s Coffee House – врвен квалитет во Охрид

Петокот беше отворен Steve’s Coffee House, како новитет во охридската, а и македонската угостителска понуда. Бидејќи во нашата стручна литература не постои ваков вид на објект, како најсоодветен ќе го користиме поимот кафе-бар.  Англиската кованица “coffee house” кажува дека се работи за место во кое се служи кафе и во кое гостинот треба да се [...]

Трансформациjа, маска или природна убавина

Трансформациjа, маска или природна убавина

Употребата на козметиката е позната уште од античко време. Споменато е „Боење на лицето“ во Стариот завет, Египјаните, Античките Грци и Римјаните, преферирале блед тен за која цел користеле бело олово во прав, креда, скроб, калајоксид и други состојки. Жена со потемен тен се сметала за жена на ниска класа, па почитуваните госпоѓи поминувале низ [...]

“One Pearl” – Please

“One Pearl” – Please

When ordering a cocktail we are buying a promise of a liquid escape to happiness. Meaning that creating a mixture of different drinks as alcohol and juices, fruit, herbs, ice, etc. should evoke feelings, memories and at the same time create new in a special atmosphere. That's why it's important for that promise to be fulfilled. [...]

Girls and Pearls

Girls and Pearls

_________________________________________________________________________________________ "A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls" - Coco Chanel _________________________________________________________________________________________ Jewelry is the most appropriate addition to the female beauty. The women that does not worship and desire it are rare, and every woman likes to receive carefully selected gifts. One of the best souvenirs or gifts that you can buy when [...]

The secret of the Ohrid Pearl

The secret of the Ohrid Pearl

The pearl is a symbol of beauty, love, marriage, clean, wealth, virginity and perfection. Throughout history, the pearl, with its warm inner glow, has been one of the most highly prized and wanted gems. Countless references to the pearl can be found in the religions and mythology from the earliest times. The ancient Egyptians were buried [...]

The Ancient Theater in Ohrid

The Ancient Theater in Ohrid

There is something fascinating in all those remains of buildings from the ancient period. Every little stone found in this places is a witness to so many events, part of the history. Most of the ancient cities had their own theaters. When tourists are visiting Ohrid and they see the theater a common question is: "Is [...]